Ohio Boxer Club Officers

Listed below are the Officers, Directors and Appointed members of the Ohio Boxer Club.

PresidentBob Gasper TrophiesMary Lynn Wynieski
Vice PresidentCarol McCormick MembershipKaren Kaleta
TreasurerLinda Gasper LegislationBob Gasper
Corresponding SecretaryKaren Kaleta EducationRyta Tomes
Recording SecretaryKaren Kaleta Annual Awards 
ABC DelegateTom Perret Breeder ReferralBarb Tuskas
   June Show Chair 2013Bob Gasper
   SunshineTammy Zook
   ABC Regional Delegate 2009-2010Tom Perret
   Web MasterTom Weber
Term Expires 03/31/14 Term Expires 03/31/15 Term Expires 03/31/16
Tom Perret Arlene Perret Bob Gasper
Bob McCormick Mary Lynn Wynieski Linda Gasper
Karen Kaleta Carol McCormick 

Contact the Ohio Boxer Club here.